Friday, July 3, 2009

a lot changes in a week

Irene left Memphis last Thursday on June 25...these videos were taken one week later in Minnesota on July 2. She wasn't doing this when she left...A lot changed over that week:


Lairy the Cupcake Fairy ... that's me! x said...

wow! That's real walking!!! It's amazing how quickly they progress and change in such a short time! You'll really notice it each time you see her!! She's a poppett! xx

Mobility is fun. said...

As I look around my floor and living area, I notice that I am not prepared for a walking child in the slightest, I am not even prepared for a crawling child. However I can handle my child as he rolls, it is easy to safeguard a roller.

I don't envy your walking just a few years she will be sneaking out of the basement just like you did! Aren't you excited?!!?

Seriously, that looks like fun though. Have a happy fourth! Give her a brat from her uncle (cut up and served "baby style" of course).

I thought I was the only I child who snuck out of basements said...

What a big girl! Do you think she started walking because she wanted to be like her cousins? It's fascinating to me how babies/little kids react to being around bigger kids. I also like her facial expressions in the 2nd video. There's a progression from "whoa...whoa...careful" to "I'm doing it! Whee!"

Wish I could be there to celebrate her birthday with you guys. Make sure you get footage of her eating her cake :)