Thursday, April 16, 2009

Irene is 9 months old

We had a busy month. Irene got her first St. Patrick's Day beads/parade on Beale Street. We spent some vacation time with Nana & Papa (shannon's parents) in hot Springs, Arkansas. We had Didu & Gigi (jeremy's parents) down to visit. We visited friends in Palmetto, Georgia (south of Atlanta)  for her first Easter! and we took a boatload of pictures. Highlights from the month:

-she had her "9 month well-checkup" with the doctor. She weighed 24 lbs. 7 ounces...and was 31 inches long. This puts her the average size of an 18 month old. She is proportional though, so no need to worry about giantism or anything just yet.  

-she says more words: uh-oh, dada, "swiffer", "hello" (which sounds like Day-O), and a boatload of other sounds/jabbering...whenever we try to get her to say "mama", she just signs "milk". which is sort of right, we guess...

-She has started crawling! Mostly it was army crawling for awhile, but now she is legitimately crawling and following us is hilarious and she is so cute. She would rather prefer to stand and walk but still needs our support to do that...she can go from a crawling to a sitting position very easily. Every once in a while she will pull herself up from sitting/kneeling to standing (holding onto something) but that is still rare.

-We got her a toy cell phone and she loves it. She pretends to talk on it and even holds it up for us to "talk on"...

-She hates chicks and duckies (see video below).

-still a great eater and sleeper. we are introducing more and more foods, including more finger foods so she can feed herself. she has started holding onto cups and giving herself water/juice with a straw, and she also LOVES to drink water out of mommy and daddy's cups...

There is probably more that I'm forgetting...mostly, we love to watch her learn, grow, and develop. She is becoming a little person before our eyes...thanks for sharing her journey with us! 

(be sure to check out the video below AND the 9 month photo album. it is long but fun)


she'll be chewing ice as soon as she has teeth said...

Thanks for the update and pictures. That video is AWESOME. Looks like Irene did not inherit her auntie wachel's love for all living creatures...but she certainly did inherit the squeal/shriek/whine combo. Can't wait to see you all, and what my baby niece thinks of the ocean :)

Guess the farm is not such a wonderful place to be after all said...

Hope she likes the beach better than the farm. Loved the pictures! Her reaction reminds me a line from one of my favorite poets "I know my mind and I have made my choice..."

Can't wait to see you all again.

Auntie Bee said...

It's so much fun to see her crawling...especially on the slippery floor at Bridle Ridge (which, by the way, is not actually a horse ranch and has NO livestock roaming free). She's so proud to be mobile and is loving the constant entertainment provided by her wacky cousins.